Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Welcome and Good Luck

I am a business entrepreneur with many years of experience in: Customer Service, Management, Marketing, Technology Services & the Printing Industry. I recently conducted a small marketing study and found several aspects of business that were not being tapped into and utilized in the most effective manner possible. Although my study led me to many different realizations, being that I am one person I decided to concentrate on one area that I felt would be most beneficial to my company as well as those that I would like to reach out to.
In my study I found that, Office Managers play such an important role regardless of how large or small the business they are managing. Office Managers’ have multiple roles to fill, usually put in more hours and perform more tasks than any other employee, and are responsible for the most important aspects of most businesses.

My goal is to provide both office managers as well as small business owners with new ways of doing business with the ultimate goal of cutting costs (drastically), improving operation methods, saving hours of work time that is wasted, and eventually increasing profits as well as productivity.

Most small businesses would not be able to operate without the trusty office manager and for this reason alone, I feel that a business is only as productive & effective as the office manager that is running the show. The traditional methods of doing business are becoming a thing of the past and with the evolutionary ways of the internet things can appear to be found much easier however this is not always the case.

Through this blog, I hope to create a starting point for all office managers to both exchange ideas, share a wealth of information, provide various services & products at wholesale prices, and create a single location for a majority of office manager related needs. This is a huge endeavor on my part but I hope to have an added value blog and invite all office managers to not only join the discussions but also to provide feedback, ideas, as well as create new topics.

My main goal with this project is to reward all office managers regardless of business size, with incentives to join this blog and to utilize the services, solutions & products that will be advertised. SO, here it is:

We have a cash back system as well as a rewards points system for all office managers. I am well aware that this is not a new idea by any means as many of the large companies such as Office Depot, Staples and other similar stores have been doing this for years, however I will not only provide double the rewards of all of these company's I will assist office managers with saving their company up to 40% off their current costs by offering a single stop for multiple business related needs.

My company provides a variety of services & products that all office managers will be able to utilize in order to cut costs, improve efficiency and save time.

Why have 5 different vendors when you can have 1. You will cut back on the amount of paperwork you have, save time by contacting 1 vendor for a majority of your needs, and best of all save your company hundreds & thousands of dollars, and maybe if your boss is a decent person, he or she will give you a nice raise or bonus for saving your company up to 40% off your current costs. All of this might seem to be hard to believe, but I promise that it is not. All you have to do is to sign up and I will personally send you all of the information that you will need with a list of services, products & solutions to get you going.

There are absolutely no fees involved, no long-term contracts (unless you want more savings guaranteed), and no catch to what I am offering through my company. It is a simple and effective solution to an area that I found to be lacking and will only prove to be effective with your help. Just don't forget that I am offering to basically pay you a commission to utilize my company's services & products and in return you receive your choice of Cash Back, Rewards Points, Gift Cards, and best of all saving your business a ton of money.

I look forward to being your new stop for all of your Office Managerial needs and hope to see you join my blog and get started.

Sign up today by going to my website and get started right away. Once you sign up I will be in touch with you and we can discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.


Best Regards,

Murat Asar

Digitized Document Solutions, Corp

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